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Guild: 483 Tag: [GHOST] Guild Master: DrakkaRagnarockNroll Members: 1 Level: 8.53 (Rank 25) Economy: 41 (Rank 25) Fleet: 145 (Rank 24) Guild Created: 2 Days | hi i'm connected for accepted you of 7:59 of canada GMT -4:00 of Toronto and i close my gatedoors of 19:00 of canada GMT -4:00 of toronto. i accepted member who are...French,English,Russians,Germans and Spanish. My guild are MIBI for Server Typhon and Pegasus and SGONI for server Nova. I have two pinterest and the first are...Pinterest.com/RangerxsgunscThe second are...Pinterest.com/Arekkusu37I have a forum of forumactif who are...Xtsreamvfreegaming.forumactif.comHe have to look in yahoo with the next word for it's...Xtsre.forumactif.com The Tag (GHOST)Means Gotham Horde Order Of StormTroopers. I call the Strike ATK on Impire. |